Quiet Room Campfire with Andy Forgie & Kris Tischbein

Wednesday, July 2 at 8 pm

around The Campfire

It's ok to be original…it's ok to be quiet. Belleville’s popular “Quiet Room” show comes to the great outdoors as singer-songwriter Andy Fogie and bassist Kris Tischbein share a contemplative evening of originals around the Westben Campfire. Included are Kris’s stunningly beautiful originals for solo bass as featured in the award-winning documentary "Strings of Inspiration", and Andy’s original songs on love, both lost & found, and others popularized by his recording bands "Creed" & "Photograph". Beautiful, intimate & personable. And refreshingly original!


$35.00 Adult | $33.00 Senior

$30 Under 30 | $5 Under 18

(all ticket prices + HST)