20 Things You May Not Know About Westben Membership

by Donna Bennett, Co Founder 

1. Westben received its Charitable Status in the year 2000, the same year of the very first concert at The Barn.  Amazing community support was generated from the very beginning with 150 members joining that first year.  2.  Volunteer Marie Locke hand wrote very thoughtful thank you letters to every individual member for over five years.  Marie joined us this 20th Anniversary Season for several concerts and continues to be a member.  3.  Members are individual donors who believe in the mission of Westben. Mission: Westben nurtures communities through exceptional musical experiences.  Westben’s Vision is to be a leading international Centre for Connection and Creativity Through Music and at its core Westben strives to bring people together through music. 4. In addition to ticket sales, Westben relies on the generous support of corporations and foundations, as well as individual giving through our Friends of Westben Membership program.  5. Members play a starring role in helping Westben present exceptional performances and engaging educational programming for the benefit of artists, audiences, enthusiasts and learners. 6.  But I also believe individuals become Westben Members for their own unique reasons. 7. Judith Knopp Brown has been a member since the beginning and you’ll see her in the front row for most events.  Here is what Judy has to say about Westben Membership.
“WESTBEN:  A privilege, an honour, a multitude of musical adventures. And what a venture~~20 years of pleasure, enjoyment, excitement, learning, sharing, meeting, greeting, etc. How fortunate for our community, and surrounding area, to be the recipients of Donna's and Brian's undertaking. They have provided us with opportunities to enjoy performances of numerous artists, international, national, and local. And such a variety, a touch of this, a touch of that, appealing to just about everyone, and to all ages. The Barn's surroundings expose the natural beauty of our locale to visitors. The bevy of volunteers are attentive to our needs while attending a performance at our Barn. The young whippersnappers on the staff are incredibly helpful to all, including the old folks. Too many accolades? Me thinks not enough. Perhaps you get the impression that I'm a bit prejudiced ~~ or perhaps very prejudiced.  And you would be correct. Such an artistic venture as WESTBEN, for all of us, is cause for Thanksgiving.  And I truly give thanks for the opportunity to hold membership in this extraordinary organization. May Westben continue to flourish and nourish us, one and all.” Sincerely, Judith KnoppBrown
8. Ron and Elaine Scott are also long time members.  They are part of the Westben Chorus and performed in Westben’s production of the musical Joseph and the Technicolour Dream Coat with their seven grandchildren.  Here is what Ron and Elaine have to say about being Westben Members: “We became members to support the Westben dream of bringing first-class musical entertainment to our area, something that is unique and provides an experience to all.  We really enjoy the benefits of membership, especially the opportunity to get tickets before they go on sale to the general public, but even more, we enjoy the many friendships we have gained, and feel we have become part of a family of like-minded music-lovers.  This has led us to encourage most of our own children and grandchildren to become involved as singers, accompanist, volunteers and patrons, all of whom, like ourselves, count Westben as a special part of their lives." 9. Esermalda Acker Wang is 15 years old, working towards her Grade 10 RCM piano exam and holds a student Westben membership.  “I am a Westben member because I like to be active in, and aware of the events and special occasions that Westben hosts. Being a Westben member means a lot to me because it means I am participating in the community, and I have more opportunities and the ability to do more with my free time.” 10. Although I believe most members are members because they believe in the organization, the Friends of Westben Members program does offer various benefits at various levels.  All Members receive a tax receipt (over $20), a Vote at the Annual General Meeting in March, the Around the ‘Ben Newsletter, name in the Audience Program and the opportunity to purchase tickets before sales open to the General Public. 11. Student Membership ($15) also includes an Invitation to a Dress Rehearsal, and an Invitation to a Sound Check Rehearsal. 12. (Just a reminder that for everyone 18 years old and under, all tickets to Westben concerts are only $5 and all tickets to ages 19-29 are only $15).  13. Other benefits at the various levels include tickets to Dress Rehearsals, Special Events as well as your name of a Barn Timber or Wall of Friends. 14. Visit www.westben.ca/membership for details.   15. The names of the various levels are all named after parts of a Barn.   16. Cupola ($50), Hay Loft ($100), Granary ($250), Gambrel ($500), Paddock ($1000), Orchard ($2500) and Raspberry Patch ($5000). 17. I have always viewed Westben as a circle.  Members, Donors, Sponsors, Government partners, Advertising and Experiential Partners, Artists, Education participants, staff and of course Concert attendees, all make up the circle.  Everyone together helps to make Westben happen.  18.  My favourite part of Judith’s testimonial on membership is when she says “my Barn”.  Yes, it is everyone’s Barn.  Westben is the people and the music coming together at The Barn, the Clock Tower or wherever we are, the forest or the Trans Canada Trail. 19.  At Westben, music is experienced in new and innovative ways in natural and inspiring settings. 20. Through Music we connect.  Through Membership we thrive. 


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